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For Financial Service Providers

We provide a range of services to support financial services providers (FSPs) at different stages of their disability inclusion journey.

  • For those who are new to disability inclusion, we can provide initial disability awareness training, identify priority areas for improvement, and support the leadership team to develop, implement and monitor action plans.

  • For those who have already taken steps towards disability inclusion, we can assess current strategies, identify gaps and provide guidance and support to address these

Our methodologies are based on best practice, and are designed to be customised to the situation of individual organisations. We partner with local disability organisations and experts to identify the needs of clients with disabilities, and design solutions to address these.


Training and sensitisation in disability inclusion

  1. Disability inclusion workshops with leadership team

  2. Introductory disability awareness e-learning courses for staff

  3. Face-to-face disability inclusion training for client-facing staff


Organisational assessment and planning

  1. Disability Inclusion Scorecard assessment and gap analysis

  2. Disability Inclusion Action Plan development

Technical Assistance

Support for implementation of Disability Inclusion Action Plan

  1. Develop frameworks to collect data on disability

  2. Develop milestones, programs, KPIs and targets

  3. Partnerships to develop accessibility solutions

  4. Guidance for implementation

  5. Develop tracking and reporting mechanisms

Contact us to find out how we can help to advance disability inclusion in your financial inclusion strategies

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