Our Logo
The colours
Advocating the rights of people with disabilities is at the heart of our initiative. To honour this, we choose the disability pride flag colours to represent our initiative:
The green represents sensory disabilities including deafness, blindness, lack of smell, lack of taste, audio processing disorder, and all other sensory disabilities.
The blue represents emotional and psychiatric disabilities including mental illness, anxiety, and depression.
The white represents invisible disabilities and disabilities that haven't yet been diagnosed.
The gold represents neurodiversity.
The red represents physical disability.
The black represents the anger and mourning over the eugenics and the neglect that disabled people have to fight against.
The upward moving curve and arrow represent the economic opportunities created from an increased access to financial services.
The cross: while representing the aim and target we want to achieve; it may also be interpreted as the barriers faced by persons with disabilities in their quest for financial services.
The arrow reaching and breaking the barrier symbolizes the purpose and journey of our initiative, removing barriers faced by people with disabilities to access financial services.
The different dots in the i represents people with disabilities in their diversity corroborating our commitment to our client centric approach.
This shadow is to highlight a spotlight at the centre of the logo. Symbolizing the awareness raising effort required to reach the desired outcomes.