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Our Approach


we exist

To advance equitable access to financial services for all people with disabilities, contributing to the commitment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to leave no-one behind.


we target


we work

All people with disabilities, including all types and severity of impairment.

Worldwide, with particular focus on developing countries.


we deliver

  • Financial Inclusion actors are aware of and engage in Disability Inclusion

  • Disability Inclusion gaps in the financial service landscape are identified and drive strategic recommendations

  • Financial Services Providers adapt their products and servicing to be disability inclusive

  • Knowledge and experiences are documented and shared.


we deliver

  • We work at the intersection of disability inclusion and financial inclusion

  • We engage across both sectors to advance financial inclusion of people with disabilities

  • We partner with organisations of  persons with disabilities (OPDs) and technical experts

  • We provide disability inclusion solutions to financial inclusion actors incorporating

      o Education

      o Intelligence

      o Technical Support

The Inclusive Finance Ecosystem

Our Principles for Barrier-Free Finance

We follow a social model of disability inclusion, focusing on reforming society by raising awareness and changing attitudes, policies and practices to address the barriers that prevent people with disabilities from using financial services on an equal basis with others.

We use a human-rights based approach, respecting the rights of people with disabilities to full and equal participation. We place these at the centre of policies and practices by promoting the 5 PANEL principles: Participation, Accountability, Non-Discrimination, Empowerment and Legality.

We support people with disabilities and their representative organisations to advocate for their rights to social and economic inclusion, aligned to the principle ‘Nothing about us, without us’.

We believe access to financial services is a powerful enabler for individuals to achieve economic independence and security, and that financial inclusion should leave no one behind.

We believe the rights and needs of people with disabilities should be an integral component of global, regional and national financial inclusion strategies, and associated regulations and standards.

We champion mainstreaming disability inclusion in the design and delivery of financial services, using universal design principles and evidence-based solutions to ensure people with disabilities have access to financial products and services that meet their needs.

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